07734 World random rants and opinions of an average american on a world gone mad. |
Monday, March 12 Why not 1. What time is it where you are right now? (Include time zone, especially our overseas visitors) : 3:09pm EST 2. What is your earliest memory? Walking home from kindergarten. (who'd let their kids do that now-a-days?) 3. What are you most afraid of? growing old and missing out. 4. What is the most recent movie that you have seen in a theater? James Bond - Casino Royale 5. Where were you born? Virginia 6. Favorite food? Chicken Parmesan 7. What’s your natural hair color? Dark, almost black, brown 8. Ever been to Alaska? No 9. Ever been toilet paper rolling? no 10. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes 11. Been in a car accident? yes 12. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits 13. Favorite day of the week? The one I wake up and the sun shines through the window, the kids are sleeping in and the birds are outside chirping, or Saturday. 14. Favorite restaurant? Old Friends, right outside Naples, Italy. 15.Favorite Flower? Rose 16. Favorite sport to watch? football 17. Favorite drink? My mom's sweet tea 18. Favorite ice cream? chocolate 19. Disney or Warner Brothers? Warner 20. Ever been on a ship? Yes, Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas 21. What color is your bedroom carpet? beige 22. How many times did you fail your driver’s test? never 23. From whom did you get your last e-mail? Friend for a NCAA pool. 24. What do you do when you are bored? read, play games, draw, watch tv 25. Bedtime? between 10pm and 2am depending on what's going on 26. Favorite TV show? Heros 27. Last person you went to dinner with? my wife and kids 28. What are your favorite colors? Blue 29. How many tattoos do you have? None 30. How many pets do you have? None, unless you count kids, then 2.9 31. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken 32. What do you want to do before you die? Live to see my kid's kid's kid's living happily 33. Have you ever been to Hawaii? no 34. Have you been to countries outside the U.S.? Yes, Europe and the Caribbean. 35. Time this survey ended? 3:16 Borrowed from BogieBlog
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