07734 World
random rants and opinions of an average american on a world gone mad.

Friday, February 28  

Reminds me . . .
In the world gone mad, computers/technology are sure helping the trip there. With Londons new traffic tax there have been a few bugs. (Similar to the bugs found in the draft system mentioned yesterday.) Apparently a 105 year old car which has been on the road since 1947, which hasn't run on by it's on power for 25 years was slapped with a $63 fine. Apparently it was trying to evade the congestion charges . . .

This reminds me, not entirely but just a little, of a 66 mustang I've been working on for a number of years. When I first started on it and finally got it past inspection I started getting notices that I couldn't have a car out front that couldn't run. I explained to them that it could in fact and and had passed inspection, they apologized. A month or so later I recieved another notice, this time a little more threatening. They claimed that someone had come up and checked the vehicle and could find no city sticker or current inspection . . . This went on for too long until we explained they were mistaken, asked where the complaints were coming from and mentioned the word harrasment. Haven't heard from them since, but they never did say who reported the car to them . . .

Carefully thought out by Tim at 11:55 AM    Comments
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