Thursday, February 27
No big deal
So on a forum that I run for a largely high school age group, I had made reference to yesterday's Supreme Court ruling that you can't take away the freedom of speech of a Pro-life activist using the racketeering laws.
In reply I got that it was no big deal. I agreed with him that it wasn't new that we had the right to freedom of speech and to peacefully gather but what made it a big deal was that there was a group there that felt they needed to take that right away from those that held the belief that abortions are wrong.
It's incredible that in a land where we have so many freedoms and cry foul when the government tries to take them away or impose restrictions you have those very same people working hard and paying top dollar to take those same rights away from people who dissagree with them. The truths we hold to be self evident are alright as long as they are only for those that agree with those that agree with them.
And to some, it's "no big deal" when those rights are almost lost . . .
Carefully thought out by Tim at 9:34 AM