07734 World
random rants and opinions of an average american on a world gone mad.

Wednesday, February 26  

I was involved in, what I thought could be, an intelligent debate on a forum I read quite often. It was made up of people from an international community in the tech field like myself. When I presented my view on the topic of Iraq I was shot down with remarks about President Bush being an "idiot," my arguments as "dumb" and "narrowminded" and the media in America being "conservitive." (I couldn't help but laugh out loud with the media comments . . .)

Apparently, according to the others, the media has brainwashed me into thinking the Bush administration is great and the war is unavoidable. When I asked them if the Iraqi people quoted here and here were also brainwashed all they did was skirt the issue and attack me, my country and anyone who dissagreed with cutting remarks on personal character.

I had to fight posting a similarly cutting remark. Instead I explained that it appread as though the very narrowmindedness they falted me and the articles I cited with could be found in themselves. They missed a great opportunity to debate their topic and I closed by explaining that if they couldn't handle the presentation of a differing view then I wasn't going to take my time and give it.

Did I do the right thing? Should I have listend to my gut and told them what I was really thinking? Who knows. I enjoy a good debate but when it turns to dirty mudslinging without intelligent views or responses then I guess it really was better to end it there.

It's a very grey day outside today . . .

Carefully thought out by Tim at 3:02 PM    Comments
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